Avoid Litigation

ADA website lawsuits are inconvenient, stressful, and costly.
They’re also preventable.

Somewhere, a lawyer is likely considering bringing action against you for ADA non-compliance.

And the statistics back that up.

300% Increase in Litigation

In recent years, the number of website lawsuits filed has increased by more than 300%. Don’t be a part of that statistic.

$55,000 Average Cost

The cost for non-compliance could be $100,000+. Lawsuits critically damage your bottom line and your company’s reputation.

It’s Not Just Websites

We offer solutions that also protect your websites, apps, videos, and documents (PDFs) from becoming litigation targets.

See Our Solutions
Instead of spending your money on defending lawsuits, take easy steps to protect yourself from ever receiving one.

ADA Site Compliance is your best option to prevent lawsuits.


We begin creating and implementing your customized protection plan in as little as 24 hours.


Compliance laws are ever-changing. We view our role not as a one-time vendor, but as an ever-vigilant partner.

Speak With An Expert Now


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