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Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

The WCAG criteria aim to make web content more accessible to a wider audience of people with disabilities. All success criteria are important access issues for people with disabilities. They address things beyond the usability problems that might be faced by all users. There are three levels of WCAG compliance:

  • A - Minimum level – without addressing these items, barriers exist that cannot be overcome by assistive technology.  This level affects the broadest group with the most benefits and is essential.
  • AA - More accessible – With the minimum level of support, some barriers will still exist which impact certain groups of users.  The criteria at this level establish a level of accessibility which should work with most assistive technology on desktop and mobile devices. Addressing Level AA criteria may impact the look of a page or affect site logic to a greater extent.
  • AAA – Even more accessible– Some Level AAA criteria cannot be applied everywhere, so level AAA is generally not required. That being said, even meeting level AAA does not make web pages accessible to everyone.

The criteria are cumulative—to conform to Level AA, you must first conform to A. To conform to Level AAA, you just first conform to A and AA.

Learn more about the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

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