All You Need to Know About ADA Web Compliance

All You Need to Know About ADA Web Compliance

Published: May 6, 2021

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    Digital inclusion is an important part of your website and business. Ensuring that your site is accessible, easy to navigate, and informative can make or break its success. You must ensure each user who visits your site has an equal user experience. Let’s dive into what you can do to help get your site get up to speed and reach accessibility.

    Meet the ADA

    The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed in 1990 to prohibit discrimination against roughly one-in-four Americans with disabilities. In 2008, the ADAAA or Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act was signed into law, going into effect on January 1, 2009. This made several changes to the definition of disability and accommodations.

    Our Design Standard Made Easy

    We strive to make curating an ADA-compliant website a simple process. Businesses that fall under Title I or III of the ADA are required to ensure that their entire website is accessible to those with disabilities. Working with our team takes the guesswork out of website compliance. Our experts perform a full human expert audit on your website, identify all accessibility problems, and help you remediate them.

    Why Make Your Site Accessible?

    Failure to create and maintain an ADA-compliant website opens a business to lawsuits and reputational damage to your brand. Being inclusive to those with disabilities will allow you to reach audiences you never considered before. An ADA-compliant site also increases your SEO and visibility. Our accessibility solutions mitigate legal risks while breaking barriers for people using assistive technology. Are you interested in getting digitally compliant? We’d love to become your partner! Contact ADA Site Compliance today to get started on your journey to digital compliance.

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